Monday, 12 November 2012



  1. hello monica
    I like this song becouse it is very good for dancing.This song is perfect for us because most of the lyrics are very easy for understand. But it has got a lot of music with out lyrics, a part of song is very fast and all time is the same lyrics.

  2. Hello monica.
    It seems to me that this song is good for dancing but not for following the lyrics because it is too fast. I pretty like it but I am totally agree with Lucía. Perhaps would be better to leave it and when we will have a better level of english try to follow the lyrics while we sing.

  3. Hi Monica! :)
    I love this song, but I think it isn´t to sing, it´s to complicate to our level, in my oponion it´s better for dancing.
    If we can choose another song, problably I will choose other.

  4. I like so much this song, but I think the song is better for dancing than to singing. I like this song because always that I listening it, it cheer me up.
    I think the lyrics are great for our English class level, it is not difficult to understand, but neither easy. It has got a mediun level for us.

  5. Hello!
    "Party Rock" is a good song for dancing,but I think it´s not appropiate for our class. It goes really fast and the music is too loud, which makes listening to the lyrics pretty hard. You guys did a fine job though, choosing a song is not easy. Bye!

  6. I love this song has a great rhythm to dance and listen so cool. The single has been number one in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Argentina, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Spain and the United States. It has sold over 3.112 million in digital downloads. And reached number one in the United States for six consecutive weeks.

  7. Hello Monica
    I think the song of this month is not good to sing but it´s good for dance. I like this song but it goes too fast and maybe wa can´t sing like the singers of the song

  8. Hello Monica
    I love this song because lmfao(who made the song) but it is not to sing, it is my opinion

  9. I like this song very much because it reminds me of the summer holidays, when i went with my friend Laura to France, as that was always in the hotel in the swimming pool.

  10. Hi!
    I don't realy think this song is appropiate for our class. The English leavel of the song is a little bit higer that our English leavel. It also goes realy fast and it's dificult to understand.
    But this song is fantastic for dancing!

  11. Hello Monica!
    I like this song because ir reminds me of my summer holidays in France with my friend Laura, who was already in the swimming pool of the hotel.

  12. Hi Monica!
    this song is special for me, it´s the first song of LMFAO I heard.
    i love this song because is very funny and the lyrics,althoucht it is difficult to understand, are very crazy, and the background music is perfect.
